most rarely

美 [moʊst ˈrerli]英 [məʊst ˈreəli]
  • adv.很少;罕有;不常
  • rarely的最高级
most rarelymost rarely
  1. It has been commonly known that the tumours in the stomach , either benign or malignant , are most rarely seen in childhood .


  2. Most people rarely think about how and why they sleep , however .


  3. The condition of full employment is something that most countries rarely achieve .


  4. Most people rarely use public phones anymore .


  5. Well , most banks rarely invoke that regulation .


  6. And adults in most cultures rarely , if ever , play with their children as extensively as we do with ours .


  7. Most people rarely , if ever , venture outside of theirs . For most , its about going through the motions . It is a life of routine , slackness , and minimal effort .


  8. A third difference is perhaps the most important but rarely discussed .


  9. But the most insidious changes rarely happen during times of crisis .


  10. I sat all on my own most days and rarely had anyone to talk to .


  11. This is understandable & most of us rarely require the use of non-integral numeric types .


  12. Most monarchs nowadays rarely bother their subjects .


  13. Most of us rarely change our answering-machine message , and almost a quarter of us slip into our shoes without untying them .


  14. Aside from Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day and occasional school-holiday visits , most of us rarely get to show our children how we behave at work .


  15. The event was a subject of general conversation in Middlemarch . In fact , most new members rarely speak ; officials report that there is much less waffle in enlarged EU meetings .


  16. In fact , by most measures America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world .


  17. But in most organisations senior executives rarely talk about business models : they are assumed to be so fundamental that they are not discussed .


  18. The global village might seem an overused clich é, but it is still a very foreign idea to most immigration officials who rarely miss a chance to make travel more complicated .


  19. However , the big powers in the European Union , such as the Britain , France , Germany , have attracted the attention of most scholars , scholars rarely cares the small countries like Belgium 、 the Netherlands and Luxembourg .


  20. However , to examine the existing typical cases of monopoly agreements , we found that most operators have been rarely used to make agreement or resolution to reach a unanimous action , but tend to use indirect or more flexible , more subtle way to achieve monopoly agreement .
